Welcome to those who visit this blog for the first time, old subscribers, fans, stalkers or to those who got lost online and got here by accident.
Kustom Graphic Design is a Belgian based full service design agency owned by Sam Dams specialised in creating concepts, advertising, designs, illustrations for different media for the last 10 years. Learned the tricks of the trade during the last 22 years as an art- and creative director in advertising agencies and as a freelance art-director.
I'm currently working on the long awaited update of www.kustom.be and replace the old award winning site which has been online for ages. Tons of new and old graphic design, advertising, branding and illustration work to show. Sadly a blog ain't a good presentation platform, so keep your eyes peeled for the new site.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me for all your graphic needs or simply if you are short on ideas, time or hands to get a job done.