If you are into all kinds of 50-60s music and want to kick back this summer with some easy-listening, make sure to tune in to LUXURIA MUSIC. Logo designed by Kevin Kidney
Busy times and working way ahead to get the word out for upcoming shows and festivals. Pin-point the dates for the next Rockin' Around Turnhout in 2011!
The SHAG STORE recently opened its doors and is the first retail store and gallery dedicated to the artwork of JoSH AGle (aka SHAG) and features many exclusive prints and items available from the store only. You will also find a variety of prints from previously sold out editions, current prints, books, tons of merchandise and more.... Located in the Downtown Palm Springs Design District, the store offers prints, original art books, merchandise and other products available only in the store. SHAG 725 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, California 92262
Just finished the pre-flyer to announce the 1st ANTWERP SCI-FI FANTASY & HORROR convention on may 1st 2011. Check back for more info about the convention in the next few months